Thursday, April 12, 2007

Battle of the Self

I'm sitting here desperately wanting to gorge myself on Starburst. Why Starburst? No particular reason. It's good, fun candy.
At this point, I'd eat almost anything.

I've done pretty good all week long with Weight Watchers(translation: Monday-Thursday) and I didn't gain too much since last week even though I gave in and gorged myself on Starburst last weekend...and the weekend before that...and the weekend before see where this is going.

I have been battling with myself for 3 weeks. Do pretty good during the week but by Friday I'm ready to devour everything. It's not that I'm overly hungry, I just miss the "bad for any diet" food.

I want to loose 15 more pounds and at the same time I wonder if it's really that bad to have a little baby weight leftover. Is 10-15 pounds THAT BAD?! When I look in the mirror, yes it is. When I happen to pass the candy aisle, well then it doesn't seem so bad.

I don't know what my problem is.

I'm working out 4x a week and if I could just keep the motivation to eat well going that would make things better.
If I could pin point what it is that makes me want to cave, that would be a start.


Zany Mama said...

I don't really care for sweets all that much, but Starbursts are insanely addictive.

I'm quite sure they're laced with crack.

Em said...

Welcome to my world!!! I have about the same to loose and it doesnt sound much but looking in the morror it seems like about 20stone to loose - well it does to me anyway.

I've joined ww last week, not fun! Eating loads but i am staving to death in my head!

Oh and do people say you look the same as you did pre-preg? When you know F**king well you dont??? (hungover that may be the answer to my agression today - lol)

Christy said...

Hey, I completely understand. Tiffany over at Uncommon Nonsense ( has just started an online weight loss club. You should go check it out.

Bon said...

oh god, i hear you. yes, the belly flab looks rather ick in the mirror. but when i walk by the chocolate selection or the jujubes or the cheese aisle, i think "my god, i'm gonna get me some o' that" and my belly just sings out "yeh sister!" and really, that's the end of the story. tragic.

being good monday to thursday is a decent compromise, though, i think. :)

FENICLE said...

Oh my weakness is usually Skittles (what am I saying? ANY CANDY!). I have the same problem. On Sunday I commit myself to a diet and by Friday I'm craving EVERYTHING bad under the sun. Although I always seem to want to snack on the candy at night. I've tried getting some really yummy (sugar-free) gum and when I'm craving sugar I chew on a piece. It helps. Granted it's not Skittles, but it keeps my mouth busy :)

Anonymous said...

Hi there - I just wanted to say that I am enjoying your blog and hope that you will come and visit me sometime :)

Anonymous said...

oops web site would help...

Dysd Housewife said...

Well, if you are brushing your hair, and you turn to notice your arm fat waving at you in the mirror, that's when you know it's a problem.

notquitestandard said...

Yes, the flab. I lost about 18 pounds of it so far, but I feel a gradual slip off the wagon. I'm holding on by my tippy toes. I do admit, however, that slurped doesn a WHOLE bar of Toblerone.