Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Pre-molar, Schme-molar

My knowledge of teeth extends to the point of brushing every day and flossing. Mainly so that I don't get any lectures from the Dentist.

Imagine my surprise when I had to google teeth diaghrams to figure out what the flat, bright white spots where on the gums of K's mouth. I figured it was paper since he's taken to not reading books but chewing the living hell out of them. (that's funny until you're the one who has to fish the wadded up, saliva drenched, piece of who the hell knows what it is now out of his mouth and - of course - incur the pain of K biting down on your fingers.)

No, not paper this time. Everyone, we have pre-molars! Lovely! Just (painfully) lovely!

This explains his grouchy self last week and why his sleeping has been restless. He always gets this way when teeth start to come through. It's a good thing we don't remember this stuff. I know how I feel when I have a tooth ache. I can only imagine how it must feel to have brand new teeth coming up.

Poor little man. I hope he feels better soon. I hope the store stocks up on Infant Tylenol.

BTW, anyone have any coorelation with teething and fevers? The past two days K has gotten low grade fevers that last for maybe 12 hours and then go away by morning.
The only thing going on is the new teeth.


DD said...

I always thought my son had low fevers with emerging teeth, but some people think it's bupkiss.

BTW, new teeth coming up in places never before having teeth isn't just for babies. I just found out that X will have "6 year molars": molars that emerge approx in their 6 year (go figure). Owie.

S said...

Yikes! We have to go through this again?! Maybe by then I can bribe him with something...

What? Did I admit that outloud?

Zany Mama said...

Zane almost always had low fevers when teething - there was a definite correlation.

Some folks suggest putting something like anbesol on it - but have you tasted that stuff?! Yikes!

We just did lots of tylenol.

Hope your boy feels better soon!

notquitestandard said...

Ella has the beginnings of two molars. It takes so long for some of her teeth to emerge, that I can never tell whether her fevers are really associated with them. However, I do know that she gets restless at night when she's about to pop out a tooth.

S said...

It's good to get an idea that I'm not going bonkers with the fever vs teething.

Zany, no anbesol on him. It gets washed away by all of his drooling. This too shall pass, I know.

I hope Ella's teeth come through with relative ease.

Christy said...

I hate teething. Porgie just got one of her upper front teeth, and it was awful. I don't have any advice, except to keep the tylenol handy.

Em said...

Good luck with the teeth and hope he feels better soon! Poor little man! We still have none

Dysd Housewife said...

Definitely yes on the fevers and teething. All of my kids did it. Teething ring in the fridge works wonders, even for older kidlets.

Bon said...

we've got the nasty premolars going on too. and even before his cold started, O did have a low grade fever in the evenings.

as for bribery, dude, if it works...

Bon said...

we've got the nasty premolars going on too. and even before his cold started, O did have a low grade fever in the evenings.

as for bribery, dude, if it works...

Bon said...

crap, sorry about the double post. my blogger account hates me.

OhTheJoys said...

We've had fever with teeth coming in, oh, yes.