Monday, June 4, 2007

Take That!

So I've been working at a snail's pace and it's been a blessing and a curse.
A curse because the men (one in particular) wants all his work to be done asap and since my asap = at least 40-60 minutes now, well he goes to my boss to have her come and ask if I'm done with fill-in-the-blank proposal. It doesn't make me look good, but...
it's a blessing because she finally understands how many of the reps come to me with asap work and has called them out on it. Whether that will actually do any good, I doubt it, but at least now she "knows" a bit of what I'm up against.


Take That!


Nico said...

Oh, I'm so glad that your little defiance is getting noticed - in the right way!

What a cute picture of a truly cute little boy :-)

Em said...

Funny pic!

kirida said...

You should make a sign of that picture and hold it up the next time someone comes to you with asap work.